VoIP Protocols: SIP - NetwaxLab


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Monday, August 3, 2015

VoIP Protocols: SIP

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a communications protocol for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions. The most common applications of SIP are in Internet telephony for voice and video calls, as well as instant messaging all over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

SIP is a simple but extendable signaling protocol for setting up, modifying and shutting down communication sessions between two or more participants. One or more media or even no media at all, can be transmitted in the session context. SIP is independent of the actual media and the route of the media can be different to the route of signalling messages. SIP can also invite participants to IP multicast session.

It is an application layer protocol used to:
  • establish
  • modify
  • terminate

sessions consisting of one or several media streams.

By sessions, we understand a set of senders and receivers that communicate and the state kept in those senders and receivers during the communication. Examples of a session can include Internet telephone calls, distribution of multimedia, multimedia conferences, distributed computer games, etc.

It supports name mapping and redirection services transparently:
  • Personal Mobility: one single externally visible identifier regardless of the network location.

Basic scope of SIP is to exchange:
  • IP Addresses
  • Port Numbers

to which systems can receive data.

IP is an application layer protocol designed to be independent of the underlying transport layer. It is a text-based protocol, incorporating many elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

The specification is available in form of several RFCs.The most important one is RFC3261, which contains the core protocol specification.

SIP works in conjunction with several other application layer protocols that identify and carry the session media. Media identification and negotiation is achieved with the Session Description Protocol (SDP). For the transmission of media streams (voice, video) SIP typically employs the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) or Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). For secure transmissions of SIP messages, the protocol may be encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS).

SIP is not designed to transfer audio, video, and so on. Rather, it just sets up the session. There are many other protocols that are called into play to make this happen (such as TCP, UDP, RTP, and so on), but they are seen as supporting protocols rather than part of the SIP “package.” All SIP does is start, manage, and end the session; it passes off the responsibility of the voice or video call to other protocols. This characteristic is one of the primary differentiators between H.323 and SIP.

  • Transport protocol (like TCP, UDP)
  • QoS reservation protocol (like RSVP)
  • Gateway Control Protocol (like MEGACO)
  • Used to send session capabilities (instead it makes use of SDP, Session Description Protocol)
  • Designed for bulk transfer (like FTP)
  • Limited to Internet Telephony
    • it can be used by any application having a notion of session (e.g. peer-to-peer applications)

(Note: Most Internet telephony service providers (ITSP), which allow businesses to use the Internet to make outside telephone calls using VoIP, use SIP as their primary signalling protocol.)


SIP was originally designed by Mark Handley, Henning Schulzrinne, Eve Schooler and Jonathan Rosenberg in 1996. The protocol was standardized as RFC 2543 in 1999 (SIP 1.0). In November 2000, SIP was accepted as a 3GPP signaling protocol and permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular systems. As of 2014, the latest version (SIP 2.0) of the specification is RFC 3261, published in June 2002, with extensions and clarifications since then.

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Advanced Networking Technologies Division provides a public-domain Java implementation that serves as a reference implementation for the standard. The implementation can work in proxy server or user agent scenarios and has been used in numerous commercial and research projects. It supports RFC 3261 in full and a number of extension RFCs including RFC 6665 (event notification) and RFC 3262 (reliable provisional responses).

While originally developed based on voice applications, the protocol was envisioned and supports a diverse array of applications, including video conferencing, streaming multimedia distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, fax over IP and online games.

SIP Characteristics

The basic features of SIP:
  • Locating user: determination of the end system to be used for communication.
  • Determining user capabilities: determination of the media and media parameters to be used.
  • Determining user availability: determination of the willingness of the called party to engage in communications.
  • Setting up the call: "ringing", establishment of call parameters at both called and calling party.
  • Controlling the call: including transfer and termination of calls.
Main technical properties and some implications of SIP:
  • Text-based (ISO 10646 in UTF-8 encoding), similar to HTTP: Easy to learn, implement, debug and extend. Causes extra overhead, which is not a serious drawback for a signaling protocol. Header names can be abbreviated.
  • Recommended transport protocol is UDP: It is not meant to send large amounts of data.
  • Application level routing based on Request-URI: The signaling path through SIP proxies is controlled by the protocol itself not by the underlying network. Requires routing implementation in SIP proxies.
  • Independence on the session it initiates and terminates (capability descriptions, transport protocol, etc.): Cooperates with different protocols, which can be developed independently. It is not a conference control protocol (floor control, voting, etc.) but it can be used to introduce one.
  • Supports multicasting for signaling and media but no multicast address or any other network resource allocation.
  • Support for stateless, efficient and "forward" compatible proxies (re-INVITE carries state, ignore the body, ignore extension methods).

Network Elements

SIP has been designed for IP networking. The protocol makes use of standard elements like DNS and DHCP servers, firewalls, NATs and proxies. Special support in DNS and DHCP servers is not needed but it makes the protocol operations more efficient. The SIP protocol is implemented by the user agent client (UAC) and server (UAS), redirect servers, proxies and registrars. Registrars and location servers maintain the mapping between user's permanent address and current physical addresses.

The SIP specification does not actually define the network architecture. However, the logical elements and their relationships can be determined based on the protocol specification. The following figure demonstrates an example of inter-domain session setup. Both UAC and UAS are located in their home domains. Thin lines represent SIP signaling messages and thick lines represent media transmission and dotted line represent non-SIP protocol.

Logical network elements involved in an inter-domain session setup
In this scenario UAC composes an INVITE message in order to set up a call with UAS. The message contains the session data in its headers and media descriptions in the body in SDP format. INVITE is sent to Outbound Proxy whose address may have been configured in UAC using DHCP. Outbound Proxy uses DNS to resolve the recipient's address. It also controls Firewall/NAT to open the ports for media transmission. Domain B has configured all the incoming requests to go to Proxy/Registrar that controls Firewall/NAT of Domain B. Proxy/Registrar queries the current location of UAS from Location Server and forwards the message to UAS. In an intra-domain call a redirect server could be used instead of a proxy in Domain B to return the current location of UAS who could then be contacted directly by UAC without having any proxy involved in the communications.

Since the request carried the media descriptions of UAC and since the corresponding ports were opened in firewalls media can immediately flow back from UAS to UAC. The signaling response is routed along the same path as the request and it carries the media descriptions of UAS. UAC can now send media to UAS. Finally UAC has to send ACK message to UAS for acknowledging the successful session establishment.

User Agent

A SIP user agent (UA) is a logical network end-point used to create or receive SIP messages and thereby manage a SIP session. A SIP UA can perform the role of a User Agent Client (UAC), which sends SIP requests, and the User Agent Server (UAS), which receives the requests and returns a SIP response. These roles of UAC and UAS only last for the duration of a SIP transaction.

A SIP phone is an IP phone that implements SIP user agent and server functions, which provide the traditional call functions of a telephone, such as dial, answer, reject, hold/unhold, and call transfer. SIP phones may be implemented as a hardware device or as a softphone. As vendors increasingly implement SIP as a standard telephony platform, often driven by 4G efforts, the distinction between hardware-based and software-based SIP phones is being blurred and SIP elements are implemented in the basic firmware functions of many IP-capable devices. Examples are devices from Nokia and BlackBerry.

In SIP, as in HTTP, the user agent may identify itself using a message header field 'User-Agent', containing a text description of the software/hardware/product involved. The User-Agent field is sent in request messages, which means that the receiving SIP server can see this information. SIP network elements sometimes store this information, and it can be useful in diagnosing SIP compatibility problems.

SIP User Agent registration on SIP Registrar with authentification by login

Back-to-Back User Agent

A back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) is a logical network element in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. A back-to-back user agent operates between both end points of a phone call or communications session and divides the communication channel into two call legs and mediates all SIP signaling between both ends of the call, from call establishment to termination. As all control messages for each call flow through the B2BUA, a service provider may implement value-added features available during the call.

A B2BUA may provide the following functions:
  • Call management (billing, automatic call disconnection, call transfer, etc.)
  • Network interworking (perhaps with protocol adaptation)
  • Hiding of network internals (private addresses, network topology, etc.)

Often, B2BUAs are implemented in media gateways to also bridge the media streams for full control over the session.

Establishment a connection with the B2BUA

Proxy Server

The proxy server is an intermediary entity that acts as both a server and a client for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. A proxy server primarily plays the role of routing, meaning that its job is to ensure that a request is sent to another entity closer to the targeted user. Proxies are also useful for enforcing policy (for example, making sure a user is allowed to make a call). A proxy interprets, and, if necessary, rewrites specific parts of a request message before forwarding it.

Call flow through Redirect Server and proxy
There are two basic types of SIP Proxy Servers:
  1. Stateless Servers: Stateless servers are simple message forwarders. They forward messages independently of each other. Stateless proxies do not take care of transactions.
  2. Stateful servers: Stateful proxies are more complex. Upon reception of a request, stateful proxies create a state and keep the state until the transaction finishes. Some transactions, especially those created by INVITE, can last quite long (until the called party picks up or declines the call). Because stateful proxies must maintain the state for the duration of the transactions, their performance is limited.


A registrar is a SIP endpoint that accepts REGISTER requests and places the information it receives in those requests into a location service for the domain it handles. The location service links one or more IP addresses to the SIP URI of the registering agent. The URI uses the sip: scheme, although other protocol schemes are possible, such as tel:. More than one user agent can register at the same URI, with the result that all registered user agents receive the calls to the URI.

SIP registrars are logical elements, and are commonly co-located with SIP proxies. But it is also possible and often good for network scalability to place this location service with a redirect server.

Redirect Server

A user agent server that generates 3xx (Redirection) responses to requests it receives, directing the client to contact an alternate set of URIs. The redirect server allows proxy servers to direct SIP session invitations to external domains.

Session Border Controller

Session border controllers serve as middle boxes between UA and SIP servers for various types of functions, including network topology hiding, and assistance in NAT traversal.


Gateways can be used to interface a SIP network to other networks, such as the public switched telephone network, which use different protocols or technologies.


Protocol operations of SIP:
  • INVITE initiates session establishment
  • ACK confirms successful session establishment
  • OPTIONS requests capabilities
  • BYE terminates the session
  • CANCEL cancels a pending session establishment
  • REGISTER binds a permanent SIP URL to a temporary SIP URL for the current location.

The following diagram demonstrates SIP protocol operations for user registration and session handling.

SIP protocol operations

SIP Messages

SIP is a text-based protocol with syntax similar to that of HTTP. There are two different types of SIP messages: requests and responses. The first line of a request has a method, defining the nature of the request, and a Request-URI, indicating where the request should be sent. The first line of a response has a response code.

SIP Request

For SIP requests, RFC 3261 defines the following methods:
  • REGISTER: Used by a UA to register to the registrar.
  • INVITE: Used to establish a media session between user agents.
  • ACK: Confirms reliable message exchanges.
  • CANCEL: Terminates a pending request.
  • BYE: Terminates an existing session.
  • OPTIONS: Requests information about the capabilities of a caller without the need to set up a session. Often used as keepalive messages.
  • REFER: indicates that the recipient (identified by the Request-URI) should contact a third party using the contact information provided in the request. (call transfer)

A new method has been introduced in SIP in RFC 3262:
  • PRACK (Provisional Response Acknowledgement): PRACK improves network reliability by adding an acknowledgement system to the provisional responses (1xx). PRACK is sent in response to provisional response (1xx).

SIP Response

The SIP response types defined in RFC 3261 fall in one of the following categories:
  • Provisional (1xx): Request received and being processed.
  • Success (2xx): The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
  • Redirection (3xx): Further action needs to be taken (typically by sender) to complete the request.
  • Client Error (4xx): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled at the server.
  • Server Error (5xx): The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
  • Global Failure (6xx): The request cannot be fulfilled at any server.


SIP makes use of transactions to control the exchanges between participants and deliver messages reliably. The transactions maintain an internal state and make use of timers. Client Transactions send requests and Server Transactions respond to those requests with one-or-more responses. The responses may include zero-or-more Provisional (1xx) responses and one-or-more final (2xx-6xx) responses.

Transactions are further categorized as either Invite or Non-Invite. Invite transactions differ in that they can establish a long-running conversation, referred to as a Dialog in SIP, and so include an acknowledgment (ACK) of any non-failing final response (e.g. 200 OK).

Because of these transactional mechanisms, SIP can make use of un-reliable transports such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

User1’s UAC uses an Invite Client Transaction to send the initial INVITE (1) message. If no response is received after a timer controlled wait period the UAC may chose to terminate the transaction or retransmit the INVITE. Once a response is received, User1 is confident the INVITE was delivered reliably. User1’s UAC must then acknowledge the response. On delivery of the ACK (2) both sides of the transaction are complete. In this case, a dialog may have been established.

Instant Messaging and Presence

The Session Initiation Protocol for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE) is the SIP-based suite of standards for instant messaging and presence information. MSRP (Message Session Relay Protocol) allows instant message sessions and file transfer.


A SIP connection is a marketing term for voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services offered by many Internet telephony service providers (ITSPs). The service provides routing of telephone calls from a client’s private branch exchange (PBX) telephone system to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Such services may simplify corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits.

Many VoIP phone companies allow customers to use their own SIP devices, such as SIP-capable telephone sets, or softphones.

SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can make calls to alert the owner or operator that an event has occurred; for example, to notify that motion has been detected out-of-hours in a protected area.

SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting applications where it provides an interoperable means for audio interfaces from different manufacturers to make connections with one another.

SIP Security

Security must be addressed at several levels. At the network level the security is based on regular firewalls and NATs since SIP is designed for IP networking. Controlling the firewall with a SIP proxy is an essential enhancement for the standard IP security mechanisms.

At the protocol level both the media security and signaling security must be addressed. Media encryption is specified in the message body with SDP.


The increasing concerns about security of calls that run over the public Internet has made SIP encryption more popular. Because VPN is not an option for most service providers, most service providers that offer secure SIP (SIPS) connections use TLS for securing signaling. The relationship between SIP (port 5060) and SIPS (port 5061), is similar to that as for HTTP and HTTPS, and uses URIs in the form "sips:user@example.com". The media streams, which occur on different connections to the signaling stream, can be encrypted with SRTP. The key exchange for SRTP is performed with SDES (RFC 4568), or the newer and often more user friendly ZRTP (RFC 6189), which can automatically upgrade RTP to SRTP using dynamic key exchange (and a verification phrase). One can also add a MIKEY (RFC 3830) exchange to SIP and in that way determine session keys for use with SRTP.

Comparing H.323 and SIP

  • SIP is less complex than H.323
  • SIP is better suited for the integration of presence, IM, and audio/video.
  • H.323 was porting the legacy world to the Internet. But SIP was designed for the Internet.
  • VH.323 has is introducing new options in the last versions that were part of SIP from the beginning

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