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PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is the network of the global public circuit-switched telephone networks, in much the same way that the Internet is the network of the world's public IP-based packet-switched networks. Originally a network of fixed-line analog telephone systems, the PSTN is now almost entirely digital and includes mobile as well as fixed telephones. It is sometimes referred to as the Plain Old Telephone System (POTS).

PSTN Network Architecture
PSTN is the aggregate of the world's circuit-switched telephone networks that are operated by national, regional, or local telephony operators, providing infrastructure and services for public telecommunication. The PSTN consists of telephone lines, fiber optic cables, microwave transmission links, cellular networks, communications satellites, and undersea telephone cables, all interconnected by switching centers, thus allowing most telephones to communicate with each other. Originally a network of fixed-line analog telephone systems, the PSTN is now almost entirely digital in its core network and includes mobile and other networks, as well as fixed telephones.

Plain Old Telephone Service, which refers to the standard telephone service that most homes use. In contrast, telephone services based on high-speed, digital communications lines, such as ISDN and FDDI, are not POTS. The main distinctions between POTS and non-POTS services are speed and bandwidth. POTS is generally restricted to about 52 Kbps (52,000 bitsper second).

The technical operation of the PSTN adheres to the standards created by the ITU-T. These standards allow different networks in different countries to interconnect seamlessly. The E.163 and E.164 standards provide a single global address space for telephone numbers. The combination of the interconnected networks and the single numbering plan allow telephones around the world to dial each other.

1. History

The first telephones had no network but were in private use, wired together in pairs. Users who wanted to talk to different people had as many telephones as necessary for the purpose. A user who wished to speak whistled loudly into the transmitter until the other party heard.

However, a bell was added soon for signaling, so an attendant no longer need wait for the whistle, and then a switch hook. Later telephones took advantage of the exchange principle already employed in telegraph networks. Each telephone was wired to a local telephone exchange, and the exchanges were wired together with trunks. Networks were connected in a hierarchical manner until they spanned cities, countries, continents and oceans. This was the beginning of the PSTN, though the term was not used for many decades.

Automation introduced pulse dialing between the phone and the exchange, and then among exchanges, followed by more sophisticated address signaling including multi-frequency, culminating in the SS7 network that connected most exchanges by the end of the 20th century.

The growth of the PSTN meant that teletraffic engineering techniques needed to be deployed to deliver quality of service (QoS) guarantees for the users. The work of A. K. Erlang established the mathematical foundations of methods required to determine the capacity requirements and configuration of equipment and the number of personnel required to deliver a specific level of service.

In the 1970s the telecommunications industry began implementing packet switched network data services using the X.25 protocol transported over much of the end-to-end equipment as was already in use in the PSTN.

In the 1980s the industry began planning for digital services assuming they would follow much the same pattern as voice services, and conceived a vision of end-to-end circuit switched services, known as the Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN). The B-ISDN vision has been overtaken by the disruptive technology of the Internet.

Beginning in the 1960s, voice calls began to be digitized and manual switching was replaced by automated electronic switching. Digital voice signals can share the same wire with many other phone calls. The advent of fiber-optic cables now allows thousands of calls to share the same line. But fiber-optic and other high-bandwidth cables haven't changed the basic nature of circuit switching, which still requires a connection -- or circuit -- to remain open for the length of the phone call.

At the turn of the 21st century, the oldest parts of the telephone network still use analog technology for the last mile loop to the end user. Digital services have been increasingly rolled out to end users using services such as DSL, ISDN, FTTx, cable modem, and online fax systems.

Several large private telephone networks are not linked to the PSTN, usually for military purposes. There are also private networks run by large companies which are linked to the PSTN only through limited gateways, such as a large private branch exchange (PBX).

2. Operators

The task of building the networks and selling services to customers fell to the network operators. The first company to be incorporated to provide PSTN services was the Bell Telephone Company in the United States.

Routing calls requires multiple switching offices. The phone number itself is a coded map for routing the call. In the India, for example, we have 10-digit phone numbers.

The first three digits are the area code or national destination code (NDC), which helps route the call to the right regional switching station.

The next three digits are the exchange, which represents the smallest amount of circuits that can be bundled on the same switch. In other words, when you make a call to another user in your same exchange -- maybe a neighbor around the corner -- the call doesn't have to be routed onto another switch.

The last four digits of the phone number represent the subscriber number, which is tied to your specific address and phone lines.

Within a company or larger organization, each employee or department might have its own extension. Extensions from the main phone number are routed through something called a private branch exchange (PBX) that operates on the premises.

To make an international call requires further instructions. The call needs to be routed through your long-distance phone carrier to another country's long-distance phone carrier. To signal such a switch, you have to dial two separate numbers, your country's exit code (or international access code) and the corresponding country code of the place you're calling.

3. Working

This chapter provides a fundamental view of how the PSTN works, particularly in the areas of signaling and digital switching. SS7 provides control signaling for the PSTN, so you should understand the PSTN infrastructure to fully appreciate how it affects signaling and switching.
  • Network Topology
  • PSTN Hierarchy
  • Access and Transmission Facilities
  • Network Timing
  • The Central Office
  • Integration of SS7 into the PSTN
  • Evolving the PSTN to the Next Generation

4. Network Topology

The topology of a network describes the various network nodes and how they interconnect. Regulatory policies play a major role in exactly how voice network topologies are defined in each country, but general similarities exist. While topologies in competitive markets represent an interconnection of networks owned by different service providers, monopolistic markets are generally an interconnection of switches owned by the same operator.

Depending on geographical region, PSTN nodes are sometimes referred to by different names. The three node types we discuss in this chapter include:

  • End Office (EO): Also called a Local Exchange. The End Office provides network access for the subscriber. It is located at the bottom of the network hierarchy.
  • Tandem: Connects EOs together, providing an aggregation point for traffic between them. In some cases, the Tandem node provides the EO access to the next hierarchical level of the network.
  • Transit: Provides an interface to another hierarchical network level. Transit switches are generally used to aggregate traffic that is carried across long geographical distances.
There are two primary methods of connecting switching nodes. The first approach is a mesh topology, in which all nodes are interconnected. This approach does not scale well when you must connect a large number of nodes. You must connect each new node to every existing node. This approach does have its merits, however; it simplifies routing traffic between nodes and avoids bottlenecks by involving only those switches that are in direct communication with each other. The second approach is a hierarchical tree in which nodes are aggregated as the hierarchy traverses from the subscriber access points to the top of the tree. PSTN networks use a combination of these two methods, which are largely driven by cost and the traffic patterns between exchanges.

Generic PSTN Hierarchies
Figure shows a generic PSTN hierarchy, in which End Offices are connected locally and through tandem switches. Transit switches provide further aggregation points for connecting multiple tandems between different networks. While actual network topologies vary, most follow some variation of this basic pattern.

5. PSTN Hierarchy

Original Telecommunications Hierarchy

The public-switched telephone network (PSTN) is organized as a multilevel hierarchy. The original telephone system used five numbered levels, as shown on the Original Telecommunications Hierarchy Diagram.

While Class 2 and Class 3 offices are seldom used in today's system, the original numbering system has survived. Therefore, each top-level Class 1 office usually connects to multiple Class 4 offices, skipping the old Classes 2 and 3. Each Class 4 office, in turn, connects to multiple Class 5 offices. The Class 5 offices, or end offices, connect to individual subscribers, as shown on the Current Telecommunications Hierarchy Diagram.

Current Telecommunications Hierarchy

5.1. Class 5 Central Office: The Local Exchange

The Class 5 CO is also called the end office or local office. It is the local workhorse for the telephone and data communications traffic in one local exchange. When you pick up your telephone at home, you receive dial tone from a Class 5 CO. There are currently about 1,500 Class 5 local exchanges in the United States.

The Class 5 office is the only office that connects to individual or business subscribers. Offices higher in this hierarchy have only lower level COs as their subscribers. However, each Class 5 CO also connects to other nearby Class 5 offices, as well as its "parent" Class 4 office one level up in the hierarchy.

If a subscriber places a call to another subscriber connected to the same Class 5 office, that office makes the connection directly, as shown on the Call within the Same Exchange Diagram.

Call Within the Same Exchange
If the caller's Class 5 CO is directly connected to the destination Class 5 CO, the calling CO passes the call directly to the destination CO, which completes the call to the destination subscriber, as shown on the Calling Handoff Diagram.

Calling Handoff
However, if the destination CO is not directly connected to the calling CO, or if that connection is too busy, the caller's Class 5 CO passes the call up the hierarchy to its parent Class 4 office, as shown on the Tandem Switching Diagram.

Tandem Switching

6. Access and Transmission Facilities

Connections to PSTN switches can be divided into two basic categories: lines and trunks. Individual telephone lines connect subscribers to the Central Office (CO) by wire pairs, while trunks are used to interconnect PSTN switches. Trunks also provide access to corporate phone environments, which often use a Private Branch eXchange (PBX)—or in the case of some very large businesses, their own digital switch. Figure illustrates a number of common interfaces to the Central Office.

End Office Facility Interfaces

6.1. Lines

Lines are used to connect the subscriber to the CO, providing the subscriber access into the PSTN. The following sections describe the facilities used for lines, and the access signaling between the subscriber and the CO.

  • The Local Loop
  • Analog Line Signaling
  • Dialing
  • Ringing and Answer
  • Voice Encoding

6.1.1.     The Local Loop

The local loop consists of a pair of copper wires extending from the CO to a residence or business that connects to the phone, fax, modem, or other telephony device. The wire pair consists of a tip wire and a ring wire. The terms tip and ring are vestiges of the manual switchboards that were used a number of years ago; they refer to the tip and ring of the actual switchboard plug operators used to connect calls. The local loop allows a subscriber to access the PSTN through its connection to the CO. The local loop terminates on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) at the CO, or on a remote line concentrator.

Remote line concentrators, also referred to as Subscriber Line Multiplexers or Subscriber Line Concentrators, extend the line interface from the CO toward the subscribers, thereby reducing the amount of wire pairs back to the CO and converting the signal from analog to digital closer to the subscriber access point. In some cases, remote switching centers are used instead of remote concentrators.

Remote switching centers provide local switching between subtending lines without using the resources of the CO. Remotes, as they are often generically referred to, are typically used for subscribers who are located far away from the CO. While terminating the physical loop, remotes transport the digitized voice stream back to the CO over a trunk circuit, in digital form.

6.1.2.     Analog Line Signaling

Currently, most phone lines are analog phone lines. They are referred to as analog lines because they use an analog signal over the local loop, between the phone and the CO. The analog signal carries two components that comprise the communication between the phone and the CO: the voice component, and the signaling component.

The signaling that takes place between the analog phone and the CO is called in-band signaling. In-band signaling is primitive when compared to the out-of-band signaling used in access methods such as ISDN; see the "ISDN BRI" section in this chapter for more information. DC current from the CO powers the local loop between the phone and the CO. The voltage levels vary between different countries, but an on-hook voltage of –48 to –54 volts is common in North America and a number of other geographic regions, including the United Kingdom.

6.1.3.     Dialing

When a subscriber dials a number, the number is signaled to the CO as either a series of pulses based on the number dialed, or by Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signals. The DTMF signal is a combination of two tones that are generated at different frequencies. A total of seven frequencies are combined to provide unique DTMF signals for the 12 keys (three columns by four rows) on the standard phone keypad. Usually, the dialing plan of the CO determines when all digits have been collected.

6.1.4.     Ringing and Answer

To notify the called party of an incoming call, the CO sends AC ringing voltage over the local loop to the terminating line. The incoming voltage activates the ringing circuit within the phone to generate an audible ring signal. The CO also sends an audible ring-back tone over the originating local loop to indicate that the call is proceeding and the destination phone is ringing. When the destination phone is taken off-hook, the CO detects the change in loop current and stops generating the ringing voltage. This procedure is commonly referred to as ring trip. The off-hook signals the CO that the call has been answered; the conversation path is then completed between the two parties and other actions, such as billing, can be initiated, if necessary.

6.1.5.     Voice Encoding

An analog voice signal must be encoded into digital information for transmission over the digital switching network. The conversion is completed using a codec (coder/decoder), which converts between analog and digital data. The ITU G.711 standard specifies the Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) method used throughout most of the PSTN. An analog-to-digital converter samples the analog voice 8000 times per second and then assigns a quantization value based on 256 decision levels. The quantization value is then encoded into a binary number to represent the individual data point of the sample. Figure illustrates the process of sampling and encoding the analog voice data.

Voice Encoding Process
Two variations of encoding schemes are used for the actual quantization values: A-law and m-Law encoding. North America uses m-Law encoding, and European countries use A-law encoding. When voice is transmitted from the digital switch over the analog loop, the digital voice data is decoded and converted back into an analog signal before transmitting over the loop.

The emergence of voice over IP (VoIP) has prompted the use of other voice-encoding standards, such as ITU G.723, G.726, and ITU G.729. These encoding methods use algorithms that produce more efficient and compressed data, making them more suitable for use in packet networks. Each encoding method involves trade-offs between bandwidth, processing power required for the encoding/decoding function, and voice quality. For example, G.711 encoding/decoding requires little processing and produces high quality speech, but consumes more bandwidth. In contrast, G.723.1 consumes little bandwidth, but requires more processing power and results in lower quality speech.

6.1.6.     ISDN BRI

Although Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) deployment began in the 1980s, it has been a relatively slow-moving technology in terms of number of installations. ISDN moves the point of digital encoding to the customer premises. Combining ISDN on the access portion of the network with digital trunks on the core network provides total end-to-end digital connectivity. ISDN also provides out-of-band signaling over the local loop. ISDN access signaling coupled with SS7 signaling in the core network achieves end-to-end out-of-band signaling. ISDN access signaling is designed to complement SS7 signaling in the core network.

There are two ISDN interface types: Basic Rate Interface (BRI) for lines, and Primary Rate Interface (PRI) for trunks. BRI multiplexes two bearer (2B) channels and one signaling (D) channel over the local loop between the subscriber and the CO; this is commonly referred to as 2B+D. The two B channels each operate at 64 kb/s and can be used for voice or data communication. The D channel operates at 16 kb/s and is used for call control signaling for the two B channels. The D channel can also be used for very low speed data transmission. Within the context of ISDN reference points, the local loop is referred to as the U-loop. It uses different electrical characteristics than those of an analog loop.

Voice quantization is performed within the ISDN phone (or a Terminal Adapter, if an analog phone is used) and sent to a local bus: the S/T bus. The S/T bus is a four-wire bus that connects local ISDN devices at the customer premises to a Network Termination 1 (NT1) device. The NT1 provides the interface between the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) and the U-loop.

6.2. Trunks

Trunks carry traffic between telephony switching nodes. While analog trunks still exist, most trunks in use today are digital trunks, which are the focus of this section. Digital trunks may be either four-wire (twisted pairs) or fiber optic medium for higher capacity. T1 and E1 are the most common trunk types for connecting to End Offices. North American networks use T1, and European networks use E1.

On the T1/E1 facility, voice channels are multiplexed into digital bit streams using Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). TDM allocates one timeslot from each digital data stream's frame to transmit a voice sample from a conversation. Each frame carries a total of 24 multiplexed voice channels for T1 and 30 channels for E1. The T1 frame uses a single bit for framing, while E1 uses a byte. Figure shows the formats for T1 and E1 framing.

T1/E1 Framing Formats
The E1 format also contains a channel dedicated to signaling when using in-band signaling. The T1 format uses "robbed bit" signaling when using in-band signaling. The term "robbed bit" comes from the fact that bits are taken from the PCM data to convey trunk supervisory signals, such as on/off-hook status and winks. This is also referred to as A/B bit signaling. In every sixth frame, the least significant bits from each PCM sample are used as signaling bits. In the case of Extended Superframe trunks (ESF), A/B/C/D bits are used to indicate trunk supervision signals. A/B bit signaling has been widely replaced by SS7 signaling, but it still exists in some areas.

Trunks are multiplexed onto higher capacity transport facilities as traffic is aggregated toward tandems and transit switches. The higher up in the switching hierarchy, the more likely optical fiber will be used for trunk facilities for its increased bandwidth capacity. In North America, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) is the standard specification for transmission over optical fiber. SONET defines the physical interface, frame format, optical line rates, and an OAM&P protocol. In countries outside of North America, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is the equivalent optical standard. Fiber can accommodate a much higher bandwidth than copper transmission facilities, making it the medium of choice for high-density trunking.

Standard designations describe trunk bandwidth in terms of its capacity in bits/second. The basic unit of transmission is Digital Signal 0 (DS0), representing a single 64 kb/s channel that occupies one timeslot of a Time Division Multiplex (TDM) trunk. Transmission rates are calculated in multiples of DS0 rates. For example, a T1 uses 24 voice channels at 64 kb/s per channel to produce a DS1 transmission rate of 1.544 mb/s, calculated as follows:

24 x 64 kb/s = 1.536 kb/s + 8000 b/s framing bits = 1.544 mb/s

The optical transmission rates in the SONET transport hierarchy are designated in Optical Carrier (OC) units. OC-1 is equivalent to T3. Higher OC units are multiples of OC-1; for example, OC-3 is simply three times the rate of OC-1. In North America, the electrical equivalent signals are designated as Synchronous Transport Signal (STS) levels. The ITU SDH standard uses the STM to designate the hierarchical level of transmission. Table_1 summarizes the electrical transmission rates, and Table_2 summarizes the SONET/SDH transmission rates.

Table_1: Electrical Transmission Rates

Voice Channels
Transmission Rate Mb/s
T1 (North America)
E1 (Europe)
E3 (Europe)
T3 (North America)

Table_2: SONET/SDH Transmission Rates

SONET Optical Level
SONET Electrical Level
SDH Level
Voice Channels
Transmission Rate Mb/s

In addition to copper and fiber transmission mediums, microwave stations and satellites are also used to communicate using radio signals between offices. This is particularly useful where it is geographically difficult to install copper and fiber into the ground or across rivers.


Primary Rate Interface (PRI) provides ISDN access signaling over trunks and is primarily used to connect PBXs to the CO. As with BRI, PRI converts all data at the customer premises into digital format before transmitting it over the PRI interface. In the United States, PRI uses 23 bearer channels for voice/data and one signaling channel for call control. The single signaling channel handles the signaling for calls on the other 23 channels. This scheme is commonly referred to as 23B+D. Each channel operates at a rate of 64 kb/s. Figure 5-8 illustrates a PBX connected to the CO through a PRI trunk.

ISDN Primary Rate Interface
Other variations of this scheme use a single D channel to control more than 23 bearer channels. You can also designate a channel as a backup D channel to provide redundancy in case of a primary D channel failure. In the United States, U-Loop for PRI is a four-wire interface that operates at 1.544 mb/s. The U-Loop terminates to an NT1, which is typically integrated into the PBX at the customer premises.

In Europe, PRI is based on 32 channels at a transmission rate of 2.048 Mb/s. There are 30 bearer channels and two signaling channels, which are referred to as 30B+2D.

7. Network Timing

Digital trunks between two connecting nodes require clock synchronization in order to ensure proper framing of the voice channels. The sending switch clocks the bits in each frame onto the transmission facility. They are clocked into the receiving switch at the other end of the facility. Digital facility interfaces use buffering techniques to store the incoming frame and accommodate slight variation in the timing of the data sent between the two ends. A problem arises if the other digital switch that is connected to the facility has a clock signal that is out of phase with the first switch. The variation in clock signals eventually causes errors in identifying the beginning of a frame. This condition is known as slip, and it results in buffer overrun or buffer underrun. Buffer overrun occurs if the frequency of the sending clock is greater than the frequency of the receiving clock, discarding an entire frame of data. Buffer underrun occurs if the frequency of the sending clock is less than the frequency of the receiving clock, repeating a frame of data. Occasional slips do not present a real problem for voice calls, although excessive slips result in degraded speech quality. However, they are more detrimental to the data transfer, in which each bit is important. Therefore, synchronization of time sources between the digital switches is important. Because digital transmission facilities connect switches throughout the network, this requirement escalates to a network level, where the synchronization of many switches is required.

There are various methods of synchronizing nodes. One method involves a single master clock source, from which other nodes derive timing in a master/slave arrangement. Another method uses a plesiochronous arrangement, where each node contains an independent clock whose accuracy is so great that it remains independently synchronized with other nodes. You can also use a combination of the two methods by using highly accurate clocks as a Primary Reference Source (PRS) in a number of nodes, providing timing to subtending nodes in the network.

The clocks' accuracy is rated in terms of stratum levels. Stratums 1 through 4 denote timing sources in order of descending accuracy. A stratum 1 clock provides the most accurate clock source with a free-running accuracy of ±1 x 10 -11, meaning only one error can occur in 1011 parts. A stratum 4 clock provides an accuracy of ±32 x 10-6.

Since the deployment of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, each with a number of atomic clocks on-board, GPS clocks have become the preferred method of establishing a clock reference signal. Having a GPS clock receiver at each node that receives a stratum 1-quality timing signal from the GPS satellite flattens the distributed timing hierarchy. If the GPS receiver loses the satellite signal, the receiver typically runs free at stratum 2 or less. By using a flattened hierarchy based on GPS receivers, you remove the need to distribute the clock signal and provide a highly accurate reference source for each node. Figure shows an example that uses a stratum 1 clock at a digital switching office to distribute timing to subtending nodes, and also shows an example that uses a GPS satellite clock receiver at each office.

Network Timing for Digital Transmission
SS7 links are subject to the same timing constraints as the trunk facilities that carry voice/data information because they use digital trunk transmission facilities for transport. If they produce unrecoverable errors, slips on the transmission facilities might affect SS7 messages. Therefore, you must always consider network timing when establishing SS7 links between nodes in the PSTN.

8. Integration of SS7 into the PSTN

This section provides a brief overview of how the SS7 architecture is applied to the PSTN. Since SS7 has not been presented in great detail, the examples and information are brief and discussed only in the context of the network nodes presented in this section.

The PSTN existed long before SS7. The network's general structure was already in place, and it represented a substantial investment. The performance requirement mandated by the 800 portability act of 1993 was one of the primary drivers for the initial deployment of SS7 by ILECs in the United States. IXCs embraced SS7 early to cut down on post-dial delay which translated into significant savings on access/egress charges. Federal regulation, cost savings, and the opportunity to provide new revenue generating services created a need to deploy SS7 into the existing PSTN.

SS7 was designed to integrate easily into the existing PSTN, to preserve the investment and provide minimal disruption to the network. During SS7's initial deployment, additional hardware was added and digital switches received software upgrades to add SS7 capability to existing PSTN nodes. In the SS7 network, a digital switch with SS7 capabilities is referred to as a Service Switching Point (SSP). When looking at the SS7 network topologies in later chapters, it is important to realize that the SSP is not a new node in the network.

Instead, it describes an existing switching node, to which SS7 capabilities have been added. Similarly, SS7 did not introduce new facilities for signaling links, but used timeslots on existing trunk facilities. PSTN diagrams containing End Offices and tandems connected by trunks represent the same physical facilities as those of SS7 diagrams that show SSP nodes with interconnecting links. The introduction of SS7 added new nodes, such as the STP and SCP; however, all of the switching nodes and facilities that existed before SS7 was introduced are still in place. Figure shows a simple view of the PSTN, overlaid with SS7-associated signaling capabilities.

SS7 Overlaid onto the PSTN
View a in the previous figure shows that trunk facilities provide the path for voice and in-band signaling. View b shows the SS7 topology using simple associated signaling for all nodes. View c shows the actual SS7-enabled PSTN topology. The existing switching nodes and facilities are enhanced to provide basic SS7 call processing functionality. Although this associated signaling architecture is still quite common in Europe, the United States primarily uses a quasi-associated signaling architecture.

8.1. SS7 Link Interface

The most common method for deploying SS7 links is for each link to occupy a timeslot, such as a T1 or E1, on a digital trunk. As shown in Figure 5-12, the signaling links actually travel on the digital trunk transmission medium throughout the network. At each node, the SS7 interface equipment must extract the link timeslot from the digital trunk for processing. This process is typically performed using a channel bank, or a Digital Access and Cross-Connect (DAC), which demultiplexes the TDM timeslot from the digital trunk. The channel bank, or DAC, can extract each of the timeslots from the digital stream, allowing them to be processed individually. The individual SS7 link provides the SS7 messages to the digital switch for processing. While implementations vary, dedicated peripheral processors usually process the lower levels of the SS7 protocol (Level 1, Level 2, and possibly a portion of Level 3); call- and service-related information is passed on to the central processor, or to other peripheral processors that are designed for handling call processing–related messages. Of course, this process varies based on the actual equipment vendor.

9. Evolving the PSTN to the Next Generation

The expansion of the Internet continues to drive multiple changes in the PSTN environment. First, more network capacity is used to transport data over the PSTN. Dial-up Internet services use data connections that are set up over the PSTN to carry voice-band data over circuit-switched connections. This is a much different situation than sending data over a data network. Data networks use packet switching, in which many data transactions share the same facilities. Circuit-switched connections are dedicated connections, which occupy a circuit for the duration of a call. The phone networks were originally engineered for the three-minute call, which was the average length used for calculations when engineering the voice network. Of course, Internet connections tend to be much more lengthy, meaning that more network capacity is needed. The changes driven by the Internet, however, reach much further than simply an increase in network traffic. Phone traffic is being moved to both private packet-based networks and the public Internet, thereby providing an alternative to sending calls over the PSTN. Several different architectures and protocols are competing in the VoIP market to establish alternatives to the traditional circuit-switched network presented in this chapter. The technologies are not necessarily exclusive; some solutions combine the various technologies. Among the current leading VoIP technologies are:

  • Soft switches
  • H.323
  • Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Each of these VoIP architectures uses VoIP-PSTN gateways to provide some means of communication between the traditional PSTN networks and VoIP networks. These gateways provide access points for interconnecting the two networks, thereby creating a migration path from PSTN-based phone service to VoIP phone service. The core network interface connections for VoIP into the PSTN are the trunk facilities that carry the voice channels and the signaling links that carry SS7 signaling. PRI is also commonly used for business to network access. Figure shows the interconnection of VoIP architectures to the PSTN using signaling gateways and trunking gateways. Chapter 14, "SS7 in the Converged World," discusses these VoIP technologies in more detail.

VoIP Gateways to the PSTN

10. VoIP Gateways to the PSTN

Dr. Harry Nyquist (and many others) created a process that allows equipment to convert Analog signals (flowing waveforms) into digital format (1s and 0s). After plenty of research, He found that he could accurately reconstruct audio streams by taking samples that numbered twice the highest audio frequency used in the audio. Here is how it breaks down. Audio frequencies vary based on the volume, pitch, and so on that comprises the sound. Here are a few key facts:
  • The average human ear is able to hear frequencies from 20–20,000 Hz.
  • Human speech uses frequencies from 200–9,000 Hz.
  • Telephone channels typically transmit frequencies from 300–3,400 Hz.
  • The Nyquist theorem is able to reproduce frequencies from 300–4,000 Hz
Nyquist believed that you can accurately reproduce an audio signal by sampling at twice the highest frequency. Because he was after audio frequencies from 300–4,000 Hz, it would mean sampling 8,000 times (2 * 4000) every second. As Figure 1-12 illustrates, during the process of sampling, the sampling device puts an Analog waveform against a Y-axis lined with numeric values.

Analog Signal Sample
The three basic step of Analog conversion to VoIP:
  • Sampling: It is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A sample refers to a value or set of values at a point in time and/or space.
  • Quantization: After the digitizing device has taken thousands of samples of the Analog audio, it then matches each sample to a voltage scale. This process is known as quantization. It assigns a value from the voltage range based on the amplitude of each audio sample. The quantization process divides the voltage range into 16 total segments (0 to 7 positive and 0 to 7 negative).
  • Encoding: In the first step of the digitization process, the Analog voice is sampled using PAM. The second step of the process then matches the PAM sample to a specific voltage value. In this step, the digitizing equipment converts the sample value into an 8-bit, binary number. This final conversion is known as pulse-code modulation (PCM).
  • Compression (optional): Some voice systems allow you to save bandwidth by compressing the audio before sending it to the remote device. The compression methods vary in overhead and audio quality, but many of them can save a significant amount of bandwidth with little quality degradation.

11. Role of Digital Signal Processors

Cisco designed its routers with one primary purpose in mind: routing. Moving packets between one location and another is not a processor-intensive task, thus Cisco routers are not equipped with the kind of memory and processing resources typical PCs are equipped with. For example, from a router’s perspective, having 256 MB of RAM is quite a bit. From a PC’s perspective, 256 MB will barely help you survive the Microsoft Windows boot process.
Moving into the realm of VoIP, the network now requires the router to convert loads of voice into digitized, packetized transmissions. This task would easily overwhelm the resources you have on the router. This is where DSPs come into play. DSPs offload the processing responsibility for voice-related tasks from the processor of the router.

RAM used for Packet Processing
Specifically, a DSP is a chip that performs all the sampling, encoding, and compression functions on audio coming into your router. If you were to equip your router with voice interface cards (VIC), allowing it to connect to the PSTN or Analog devices, but did not equip your router with DSPs, the interfaces would be worthless. The interfaces would be able to actively connect to the legacy voice networks, but would not have the power to convert any voice into packetized form.

12. Understanding RTP and RTCP

When you walk into the VoIP world, you encounter a whole new host of protocol standards. Think of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) as the protocols of voice. RTP operates at the transport layer of the OSI model on top of UDP. Having two transport layer protocols is odd, but that’s exactly what is happening here. UDP provides the services it always does: port numbers (that is, session multiplexing) and header checksums (which ensure that the header information does not become corrupted). RTP adds time stamps and sequence numbers to the header information. This allows the remote device to put the packets back in order when it receives them at the remote end (function of the sequence number) and use a buffer to remove jitter (slight delays) between the packets to give a smooth audio playout (function of the time stamp). Figure represents the RTP header information contained in a packet.

Protocol Packet Header
The Payload Type field in the RTP header is used to designate what type of RTP is in use. You can use RTP for audio or video purposes. Once two devices attempt to establish an audio session, RTP engages and chooses a random, even UDP port number from 16,384 to 32,767 for each RTP stream. Keep in mind that RTP streams are one way. If you are having a two-way conversation, the devices establish dual RTP streams, one in each direction. The audio stream stays on the initially chosen port for the duration of the audio session. (The devices do not dynamically change ports during a phone call.)

At the time the devices establish the call, RTCP also engages. Although this protocol sounds important, its primary job is statistics reporting. It delivers statistics between the two devices participating in the call, which include:
  • Packet count
  • Packet delay
  • Packet loss
  • Jitter (delay variations)
Although this information is useful, it is not nearly as critical as the actual RTP audio streams. Keep this in mind when you configure QoS settings. AS the devices establish the call, the RTP audio streams use an even UDP port from 16,384 to 32,767, as previously discussed. RTCP creates a separate session over UDP between the two devices by using an odd-numbered port from the same range. Throughout the call duration, the devices send RTCP packets at least once every 5 seconds. The Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express (CME) router can log and report this information, which allows you to determine the issues that are causing call problems (such as poor audio, call disconnects, and so on) on the network.

13. Comparison between Circuit-Switched & Packet-Switched

Call Setup
Not Needed
Dedicated Physical Path
Each packet follows the same route
Packets arrive in order
Is a switch crash fatal
Bandwidth available
When can congestion occur
At setup Time
On every packet
Potentially wasted bandwidth
Store-and-forward transmission
Per Min.
Per Packet

14. Connection Mode & Connection Summarized

Transfer Modes
Connection Types
Circuit Switching
·         Developed for voice
·         Nowadays also for data
·         Well-specified delays
·         Echo problems
·         PSTN
·         ISDN
·         PCM
Connection Oriented
·         Hand-shaking
·         strict error requirements
·         for fast data transfer
·         ATM
·         Frame-Relay
·         x.25
Packet Switching
·         Developed for data
·         Nowadays also for voice
·         Statistical multiplexing
·         Variable delays
·         IP
·         Frame-Relay
·         ATM
·         Broadcasting
·         Modest error rates often accepted
·         Fast data in good channels
·         IP
·         UDP


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