Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol - NetwaxLab


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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol

IKE is the protocol used to set up a security association (SA) in the IPsec protocol suite. IKEv2 is the second and latest version of the IKE protocol. Adoption for this protocol started as early as 2006.

IKE builds upon the Oakley protocol and ISAKMP. IKE uses X.509 certificates for authentication - either pre-shared or distributed using DNS (preferably with DNSSEC) and a Diffie–Hellman key exchange - to set up a shared session secret from which cryptographic keys are derived.


The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) originally defined IKE in November 1998 in a series of publications (Request for Comments) known as RFC 2407, RFC 2408 and RFC 2409:
  1. RFC 2407 defined The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP.
  2. RFC 2408 Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP).
  3. RFC 2409 defined The Internet Key Exchange (IKE).

IKE was updated to version two (IKEv2) in December 2005 by RFC 4306. Some open details were clarified in October 2006 by RFC 4718. These two documents plus additional clarifications were combined into the updated IKEv2 RFC 5996 which was published in September 2010. A later update upgraded the document from Proposed Standard to Internet Standard, and was published as RFC 7296 in October 2014.

Problems with IKE

Originally, IKE had numerous configuration options but lacked a general facility for automatic negotiation of a well-known default case that is universally implemented. Consequently, both sides of an IKE had to exactly agree on the type of security association they wanted to create — option by option — or a connection could not be established. Further complications arose from the fact that in many implementations the debug output was difficult to interpret, if there was any debug routine at all.

The IKE specifications were open to a significant degree of interpretation, bordering on design faults (Dead-Peer-Detection being a case in point), giving rise to different IKE implementations not being able to create an agreed-upon security association at all for many combinations of options, however correctly configured they might appear at either end.

Improvements with IKEv2

The need and intent of an overhaul of the IKE protocol was described in Appendix A of RFC 4306. The following issues were addressed:
  1. Fewer RFCs: The specifications for IKE were covered in at least three RFCs, more if one takes into account NAT traversal and other extensions that are in common use. IKEv2 combines these in one RFC as well as making improvements to support for NAT traversal and firewall traversal in general.
  2. Standard Mobility support: There is a standard extension for IKEv2 (named MOBIKE) used to support mobility and multihoming for it and ESP. By use of this extension IKEv2 and IPsec can be used by mobile and multihomed users.
  3. NAT traversal: The encapsulation of IKE and ESP in UDP port 4500 enables these protocols to pass through a device or firewall performing NAT.
  4. SCTP support: IKEv2 allows for the SCTP protocol as used in Internet Telephony VoIP.
  5. Simple message exchange: IKEv2 has one four-message initial exchange mechanism where IKE provided eight distinctly different initial exchange mechanisms, each one of which had slight advantages and disadvantages.
  6. Fewer cryptographic mechanisms: IKEv2 uses cryptographic mechanisms to protect its packets that are very similar to what IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) uses to protect the IPsec packets. This led to simpler implementations and certifications for Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2, which require each cryptographic implementation to be separately validated.
  7. Reliability and State management: IKEv2 uses sequence numbers and acknowledgments to provide reliability and mandates some error processing logistics and shared state management. IKE could end up in a dead state due to the lack of such reliability measures, where both parties were expecting the other to initiate an action - which never eventuated. Work arounds (such as Dead-Peer-Detection) were developed but not standardized. This meant that different implementations of work-arounds were not always compatible.
  8. Denial of Service (DoS) attack resilience: IKEv2 does not perform much processing until it determines if the requester actually exists. This addressed some of the DoS problems suffered by IKE which would perform a lot of expensive cryptographic processing from spoofed locations.


Leaked NSA presentations released by 'Der Spiegel' indicate that IKE is being exploited in an unknown manner to decrypt IPSec traffic.

Initial Phases in IKEv2 Exchange

In effect, IKEv2 has only two initial phases of negotiation:
  1. IKE_SA_INIT Exchange
  2. IKE_AUTH Exchange

IKE_SA_INIT Exchange

IKE_SA_INIT is the initial exchange in which the peers establish a secure channel. After it completes the initial exchange, all further exchanges are encrypted. The exchanges contain only two packets because it combines all the information usually exchanged in MM1-4 in IKEv1. As a result, the responder is computationally expensive to process the IKE_SA_INIT packet and can leave to process the first packet; it leaves the protocol open to a DOS attack from spoofed addresses.

In order to protect from this kind of attack, IKEv2 has an optional exchange within IKE_SA_INIT to prevent against spoofing attacks. If a certain threshold of incomplete sessions is reached, the responder does not process the packet further, but instead sends a response to the Initiator with a cookie. For the session to continue, the Initiator must resend the IKE_SA_INIT packet and include the cookie it received.

The Initiator resends the initial packet along with the Notify payload from the responder that proves the original exchange was not spoofed. Here is a diagram of IKE_SA_INIT exchange with cookie challenge:

IKE_SA_INIT Exchange

IKE_AUTH Exchange

After the IKE_SA_INIT exchange is complete, the IKEv2 SA is encrypted; however, the remote peer has not been authenticated. The IKE_AUTH exchange is used to authenticate the remote peer and create the first IPsec SA.

The exchange contains the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) ID along with an authentication payload. The contents of the authentication payload is dependent on the method of authentication, which can be Pre-Shared Key (PSK), RSA certificates (RSA-SIG), Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm certificates (ECDSA-SIG), or EAP. In addition to the authentication payloads, the exchange includes the SA and Traffic Selector payloads that describe the IPsec SA to be created.

Later IKEv2 Exchanges

  • CREATE_CHILD_SA Exchange

If additional child SAs are required, or if the IKE SA or one of the child SAs needs to be re-keyed, it serves the same function that the Quick mode exchange does in IKEv1. As shown in the this diagram, there are only two packets in this exchange; however, the exchange repeats for every rekey or new SA:

Child_SA Exchange

As it is in all IKEv2 exchanges, each INFORMATIONAL Exchange request expects a response. Three types of payloads can be included in an INFORMATIONAL exchange. Any number of any combination of payloads can be included, as shown in the this diagram:

  1. The Notify payload (N) has already been seen in conjunction with cookies. There are several other types as well. They carry error and status information, as they do in IKEv1.
  2. The Delete payload (D) informs the peer that the sender has deleted one or more of its incoming SAs. The responder is expected to delete those SAs and usually includes Delete payloads for the SAs that correspond in the other direction in its response message.
  3. The Configuration payload (CP) is used to negotiate configuration data between the peers. One important use of the CP is to request (request) and assign (response) an address on a network protected by a security gateway. In the typical case, a mobile host establishes a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with a security gateway on its home network and requests that it be given an IP address on the home network.

(Note: This eliminates one of the problems that the combined use of Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) and IPsec is intended to solve.)

Differences between IKEv1 and IKEv2

Differences between IKEv1 and IKEv2
IPsec SA
Child SA (Changed)
Exchange modes:
# Main mode
# Aggressive mode
Only one exchange procedure is defined.
Exchange modes were obsoleted.
Exchanged messages to establish VPN.
# Main mode: 9 messages
# Aggressive mode: 6 messages
Only 4 messages.
Authentication methods ( 4 methods ):
# Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
# Digital Signature (RSA-Sig)
# Public Key Encryption
# Revised Mode of Public key Encryption
Only 2 methods:
# Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
# Digital Signature (RSA-Sig)
Both peers must use the same authentication method.
Each peer can use a different authentication method (Asymmetrical authentication).
(e.g. Initiator: PSK and Responder: RSA-Sig)
Traffic selector:
# Only a combination of a source IP range, a destination IP range, a source port and a destination port is allowed per IPsec SA.
# Exact agreement of the traffic selector between peers is required.
# Multiple combinations of a source IP range, a destination IP range, a source port range and a destination port range are allowed per Child SA. Of course, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be configured for the same Child SA.
# Narrowing traffic selectors between peers is allowed.
Lifetime for SAs:
Agreement between peers is required.
NOT negotiated. Each peer can delete SAs anytime by exchanging DELETE payloads.
Basically, NOT supported.
Supported by using multiple IDs on a single IP address and port pair.
NOT defined.
NAT Traversal:
Defined as an extension.
Supported by default.
Dead Peer Detection / Keep-alive for SAs:
Defined as an extension.
Supported by default.
Remote Access VPN:
NOT defined. Supported by vender-specific implementations:
# Mode config
Supported by default:
# Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
# User authentication over EAP is associated with IKE's authentication.
# Configuration payload (CP)
Basically, NOT supported.
Supported by MOBIKE (IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol: RFC 4555).
Mobile Clients:
Basically, NOT supported.
Supported by MOBIKE (IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol: RFC 4555).
DoS protections:
Basically, NOT supported.
# Anti-replay function is supported.
# 'Cookies' is supported for mitigating flooding attacks.
# Many vulnerabilities in IKEv1 were fixed.
Less reliable than IKEv2.
More reliable.
# All message types are defined as Request and Response pairs.
# A procedure to delete SAs is defined.
# A procedure to retransmit a message is defined.
Extensions are very poor.
Useful extentions in actual network environment.
# "Redirect Mechanism for IKEv2 (RFC5685)"
# "IKEv2 Session Resumption (RFC5723)"
# "An Extension for EAP-Only Authentication in IKEv2 (RFC5998)"
# "Protocol Support for High Availability of IKEv2/IPsec (RFC6311)"
# "A Quick Crash Detection Method for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE) (RFC6290)"

Example S2S VPN using IKEv2


Peer1 (Router)

crypto ikev2 proposal 10
 encryption aes-cbc-256
 integrity sha256
 group 5

crypto ikev2 policy 1
 proposal 10

crypto ikev2 keyring KEY1
 peer peer2
 pre-shared-key cisco

crypto ikev2 profile IKEV2
 match identity remote add
 identity local add
 keyring local KEY1
 authentication local pre-share
 authentication remote pre-share

ip access-list extended VPN
 permit ip host host

crypto ipsec transform-set esp-aes esp-sha-hmac

crypto map CMAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
 set transform-set tset
 set ikev2-profile IKEV2
 match address VPN
 set peer

int f0/0
 crypto map CMAP

Peer2 (ASA)

crypto ikev2 policy 10
 encryption aes-256
 integrity sha256
 prf sha256
 group 5

tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
 ikev2 local-authentication pre-share-key cisco
 ikev2 remote-authentication pre-share-key cisco

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal Prop1
 protocol esp encryption aes
 protocol esp integrity sha-1

access-list VPN permit ip host host

crypto map CMAP 10 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal Prop1
crypto map CMAP 10 set peer
crypto map CMAP 10 match address VPN
crypto map CMAP interface outside
crypto ikev2 enable outside


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